I am organizing the digital writing workshop for the 17th of March. On Indico, the website for events at CERN, the presentation is the following :
Cassandre Poirier-Simon is a designer currently in residency with Arts At CERN, working in the field of digital writing.
Established in 2011, CERN’s the official arts programme engages with art at the cutting edge of scientific research. It offers a whole series of activities around arts and science at CERN, with a clear focus on four artistic research residencies and 3 special visits per year (Collide, Accelerate and Guest Artists).
As a real exchange, Cassandre will organize a writing workshop at CERN. Its presentation follows :
Research about the notion of time as non-linear but related to space is also a breeding ground for the storytellers’ imagination… Non-linear stories, recursion, opening of windows on other times, such are different thoughts for a cartographic narration. The goal of this workshop is to lay the foundation of a tool that allows for telling stories using Google Street View, which now contains CERN external spaces and experimental areas. To these views, you are invited to add elements (texts, characters, archive pictures, your own photographs…). From personal or documentary comments about the locations, to memories or poetry, you can imagine every kind of story in those places in which you evolve daily!
Concretely, you will work in 3-person teams mixing different skills (e.g. IT people, theorists, experiment members…). The workshop will be limited to 5 stories (so 15 people).