19 mai, 2017

CERN #24 Thinking Alleys projects


There were twelve participants, and they worked in 3-people teams.I proposed that they use Google Street View as a playground where they’ll place their stories. Since we didn’t have much time, I asked them to jump on the first idea they had.

In the following sections, you’ll get a demo of their ideas. It’s the beginning of the projects, but enough to let you understand 🙂

It was a very short but interesting workshop, and I’m glad to have received positive feedback from the participants. For the moment, what we have done is really embryonic, but I am sure we can create a much more developed tool in Google Street View, for outreach, but also for real poetry and stories in it.

1- Past building blocks of the future

Team : Tamara Vazquez Schroeder Mélissa Gaillard Nicole Cremel

Presentation note :“The physics that can be done nowadays at CERN is only conceivable thanks to the gigantic breakthroughs that previous scientists have made in the understanding of nature. CERN celebrates the work from our predecessors, naming various streets inside of CERN after scientists that have left their impact in the history of particle physics.With this project based on Google Maps inspired by Cassandre Poirier-Simon, the virtual visitor is guided from Entrance B to Restaurant 1 (the usual meeting point for physicists to discuss over coffee) meeting the outstanding personalities from the past that are remembered by the street names, from different times and different places, all related to particle physics as in a multi-dimensional puzzle.”

How to :Just advance in the streets and click on the characters you’ll see

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2 – We (The Physicist From The Future) get a tour of 2017 CERN

Team :
Jeremi Niedziela
Natalia Karina Juszka
Steven Goldfarb
Maria Dimou

Presentation note :Their idea was to create a visit of the CERN in 2017, by visitors from the future. So they wrote a dialogue between “us” (the physicists from the future) and “them” (CERN workers from 2017). We learn a lot of interesting things, for example that they finished with particle physics around 2165 (twenty one sixty-five) and that ALICE discovered via their research in the gluon plasma the explanation of dark matter and dark energy. This is called the “white rabbit discovery”, that allows for reaching places through teleportation (into the rabbit holes).

How to :Advance until you’re in front of the surprised guy with the yellow and blue T-shirt. You should see two characters : one in the foreground in blue, and the guy with the yellow-blue t-shirt. Begin by clicking on him, then the other one, etc. It’s a conversation.

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3 – Treasure hunting

Team :
Heather Gray
Kitti Lai
Hannah Short

Presentation note :“Our final idea was to collect interesting places around CERN and to build these into a treasure hunt. The hunt uses visual and word cues to navigate from place to place. We collected our ideas together and added maps with clues on these places. We also included teleportation for one of the clues to move through space in a non-linear fashion. With additional time, we would have liked to add the dimension of time to the treasure hunt such that some of the clues would transport people backwards and forward in time as well as the movement in space.”

How to : Click on the pictures you’ll see, and try to resolve the enigmas by going to the right places

In this video, we see a rapid demo of their work.

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4 – Timelines mapped in space

Team :
Maria Alandes Pradillo
Gavin Salam
Yuri Tanaka

Presentation note :«Our idea was to represent in Google street view the different timelines that appear in the CERN web.We started with the accelerator timeline. Our idea was to have a picture of the director general at the time at CERN next to the relevant building, where the information would be presented.”

They focused on the localisation of timelines in space, as a real space-time entanglement. It may be a direct answer to a question I asked at the beginning: how can we build a map by integrating the notion of time?

How to :Click on the pictures of the Director General to have the information. Click on “next” to follow the timeline (there is only two examples)

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