As I said in the post #9, I am planning to do a writing workshop here at CERN. I don’t know yet how long it will take, or how many times I’ll do it, but I am working on his conception.
So to begin, I am studying the different types of texts produced around physics, in a wide perspective for the moment : grey literature, physicists’ blogs, poetry + physics, equations, etc. I am also looking for science-fiction inspired more by nuclear physics than by astronomy.
I am also looking for a theorist who can explain a little about relativity, time, etc, to me. I am very interested in understanding this conception of time because it is very different from the linearity of usual storytelling. How this structure can be adapted to a story?
Space-time’s structure © Kip Thorne, found on Jean-Pierre Luminet’s blog : http://blogs.futura-sciences.com/luminet/2016/01/26/physique-etrange-dinterstellar-56-machines-a-remonter-temps-cinquieme-dimension/